Support / Become a Member

If you would like to support the work of our association, we invite you to become a member of the Neue Bachgesellschaft.

Our members can profit from the following benefits:

• a free copy of the Bach Annals regularly providing information on the latest results of Bach research

• the newsletter delivered free of charge twice a year, keeping you up-to-date on Bach related activities in Germany and abroad as well as the work of our association

• free entrance to the Bachhaus Eisenach and discounted admission to the Bach Museum Leipzig

• belonging to a large worldwide circle of Bach devotees

You can download the membership application for the Neue Bachgesellschaft here: Membership Application Form , fill it in and send it to us.

We will also be very happy about your donation, for which you will of course receive a donation receipt.

Annual membership fee
€50 / Single members
€60 / Married couples
€25 / Students
€50 / Corporate members (institutional members)

Bank details:
Neue Bachgesellschaft e.V.
Current account for membership fees: IBAN: DE34 3506 0190 1800 5390 01
Donation account: IBAN: DE82 3506 0190 1800 5390 10
Bank für Kirche und Diakonie eG – KD-Bank

The current account with Postbank can only be used until 31 December 2024.

It is also possible to pay the membership fee by credit card. If you wish to use this payment method, please send us your credit card number and expiration date.

Here you can find a pdf download of our statute:
Satzung der Neuen Bachgesellschaft e.V.  (in German)